Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Take Home Test

I. Read the following statements and discuss if they are appropriate or not to be included in a bad news message.  If not appropriate rewrite the sentences to make it appropriate. Explain in detail in paragraph form. (25 points)
  1. It's impossible to ship your book order by May 15.
  2. Even though we are impressed with your curriculum vitae, he want to recruit a younger person to work in our company.
  3. In your next visit to Pasta Delight, we can guarantee that you will not be treated so badly.
  4. We rejected your credit application because you are delinquent in your payments, you have a history of late payments as well as irregular employment.
  5. I am frustrated with the way the manager conducted the meeting and will not do business with your company again.
II. Writing buffers: Write buffer for the following situations: (25 points)
  1. A client asks you for a refund for a perfume she bought a year ago.  She states that she does not like the smell of the perfume any longer.
  2. Your cafeteria will close for a year due to remodeling and will have to lay off the employees until it reopens again.
  3. There will be an increase in the prices of downloading music from Musicalismo website.  Now the company will have available over 10, 000 songs to choose from.
  4. The cellular company Talking Up will no longer offer free cell phones to its client.  Now the cell phone will have to be paid by customer but the phones will be the latest models in the market.
  5. Pizza Heavenly will no longer will offer its clients free home  baked bread with each order.  But now it will include not only pizza but different varieties of pasta.
III. Writing a letter (100 points).  You will write a letter for the situation given.  This letter will be presented in semi block style. It must be typewritten in ink blue or black.

You are the manager of Computers and Technology branch in Humacao.  In the past your comapany established casual dress code allowing employee to work dressed in polo shirts, khaki pants, and loafers.  But nowadays, this dress code is affecting business due that your competitor Bytes and Computers is seen as more reliable business due to the image projected by its employee who wear uniforms and have a formal dress code.
     Customers have commented that the relaxed dress code does not reflect a serious business environment and they prefer to go to the competitor when important purchases and services are required.
    It has been decided that the dress code will include white long sleeve shirts with navy ties for the men with navy slacks .  They will wear black shoes.Women will wear navy skirts or slacks with white blouse and formal back shoes.  Fridays employees can dress casually since it will be the Crazy Ssles Day.
     To help in the transition, you have contacted Business as Usual clothes store to give a talk about formal dress codes on Friday, May 25 at 10:00 in the facilities of your store.  There, employees wil enjoy of wine and cheese and receive a 15% discount in orders placed that day with this business.

Write a letter to one of the employees Mr. Aturo Ramirez, explaining this new policy.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012 Class

Dear INCO 006 students:

Please read the complete chapter of Bad news messages. I will be posting the assignment in the weekend.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Claim Letter

Dear INCO 3006 Students:

Remember that the deadline to HAND-IN letter is this Tuesday, April 10.  The letter MUST INCLUDE drafts STAPLED at the back.

If I have NEVER seen any of your drafts, the letter WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.  Your letter will receive 0/100.  So if you haven't sent your drafts do so today so they can be revised.

Happy Easter!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Assignment, Monday, April 2, 2012

Dear INCO 3006 Students:
Remember that the 100 pts letter is due on Tuesday, April 10.  Late letters will lose 10 pts.  In addition, you complete as  a hw  assignment the following:
Answer questions 1 & 2 of “Chapter Review”  on page 247.  Double space the assignment and in ink.  If handwritten leave a line in blank and in ink.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Assignment for Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dear INCO 3006 Students:

I will be posting your assignment this Sunday.  In the meantime, complete the letter assignment and read the chapter of Bad News messages.  Take care!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tuesday March 20 and Thursday, March 22 Classes

Dear INCO 3006 students:

I am recovering from bronchitis and the medications have me in a drowsy state.  I will be posting your assignments the latest on Friday.  Continue sending me the letter drafts.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012 Class

Dear INCO 3006 Students:

Continue sending the claim letters.  When you receive the comments, print the letter and identify it as draft #1. If possible also send the revisions of the draft so at least two drafts are completed before Tuesday's class.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012 Class

Dear INCO Students:

For today's class visit the following links of well-known restaurants here in Puerto Rico and in the States:
Read the history of each of these restaurants.  Then choose one of them to write a paragraph of what makes this restaurant successful and your experience visiting it.  This is to hand-in on Tuesday.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012 Class

Dear Inco 3006 Students:

Come prepared with the section on claim messages and bring loose leaf paper.

See you on Tuesday!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Thank you and Appreciation Messages

Thank you Messages 
1. Expresses gratefulness for a situation
 2. Uses the deductive approach 

3. When to send a thank you note= a gift is received, if invited as a guest, an interview conducted….  
4. For social situations the message can be handwritten or sent as an email message.

Appreciation Messages

1. Recognizes, rewards and encourages the receiver for a situation occurred.
2. Uses the deductive approach
3. In some occassions, the appreciation message is sent not only to the receiver buy his/ her supervisor
4. The appreciation message should be sent as soon as possible after the situation occurs, do not use exageration to express your appreciation, specify why this is appreciation message is written.


Mr. Gabriel Suarez visited the INCO 3006 and gave a workshop on how to write business letters.  He offered this workshop free of costs, he provided students with a CD that has templates on the different types of letters and even gave each student an electronic dictionary to use in the course.

Mr. Gabriel Suarez visited the INCO 3006 and gave a workshop on how to write business letters.  He offered this workshop free of costs, he provided students with a CD that has templates on the different types of letters and even gave each student an electronic dictionary to use in the course.

Mr. Gabriel Suarez visited the INCO 3006 and gave a workshop on how to write business letters.  He offered this workshop free of costs, he provided students with a CD that has templates on the different types of letters and even gave each student an electronic dictionary to use in the course.

Write an appreciation message.  Remember to include why do you appreciate Mr. Suarez’s visit to your course. 
Send this message to my email IN THE BODY of the email.  Remember my email is

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2011

Dear INGL 3006 students:

Read "Making Voice Mail Messages Work for You".  It is on page 195 of 15th edition and page 206 of the 16th edition.  Do the application exercise at the end of this section to hand-in on Tuesday.

I will post the other activity tomorrow.  Take care!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dear INCO 3006 students:

After completing reading the chapter, answer the exercises of the chapter review to hand-in on Tuesday.  Take care!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Assignment for Thursday, February 9, 2012 Class

Dear INCO 3006 students:

Read the section of Thank you and Appreciation Messages (pages 185- 186 of 15th edition).  After reading this section you will write a short thank you message to hand-in.  Here is the situation to use for this writing activity:

Erick Bermudez won a trip to India due to this outstanding academic performance as an International Business student at UPRH.  After receiving the notification of having obtained this prize, he writes a thank you message to Dr. Gabriel Santiago from Travel Scholarships for Business Students.

Remember to post in comments that you read this message.  Also read the post that has the additional evaluation criteria of the course that explains how should this assignment be handed-in on Tuesday.

You are responsible of reading the complete chapter by Tuesday.

Any questions, let me know

Additional Evaluation Criteria

Additional Evaluation Criteria beyond the Course Outline
Dear Students:
            In addition to the evaluation criteria specified in the course outline, there are other aspects that will be taken into consideration when the final grade is calculated:
1.    Attendance is vital academic success.  Students that obtain at the end of the course 6 or more unjustified absences, 3 unjustified absences (Tues & Thurs.), will have their grade lowered.
2.    If a student is late 3 times without any justification= 1 unjustified absence.
3.    Homework assignments MUST be handed-in at the beginning of the class in LOOSE LEAF paper and written in INK blue or black.
·         One homework assignment will be eliminated at the end of the course.
·         If assignment is sent by e-mail it must be received no later than the time the course is being offered.
·         Make sure to C: or BC: yourself (have evidence that you sent the assignment just in case it does not arrive to my e-mail.
4.    Quizzes are not made up.  One quiz is eliminated.
5.    If a student is absent for a test, he/ she must bring a justified excuse for not taking the test on the established date.  The student is responsible of making arrangement with the professor within TWO WEEKS after returning to class.
·         Make-up tests will be given during the office hours of the professor.  Student must make arrangements to take the test during this period.
6.    The course textbook is a requirement.  NO PHOTOCOPIES can be allowed for class.  Having your textbook will have a 20 point value of class work.  The  points will be assigned the following way:
Always had textbook
Forgot textbook once
Forgot textbook twice
Forgot textbook 3 times
Forgot textbook 4 times
Forgot textbook more than five times but brought it once in a while
Never brought textbook to class

Verification of textbook is done randomly.  Except if the professor announces beforehand that the textbook will not be used in the following class, the student is responsible is always bringing the textbook.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Welcome to INCO 3006 Blog

Dear Students:

Here is the blog where we will be working together to enhance our course.  One of the first activities that you will have is to register and begin following this blog.